Apparel Printing FAQs

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Apparel Printing FAQs

Why is the design studio not loading?
How do I know if the image I’ve uploaded is copyrighted?
Are Rush deliveries free as well?
How do I contact your company?

1. Why is the design studio not loading?

Our apparel printing design studio is a powerful flash-driven engine tailored to make the design process as easy and fluid for designers of all types. Because of this, the most common reason for being unable to access the design studio is incompatibility with non-flash-capable devices. If you cannot obtain access to a computer to utilize the design studio, you may contact our printing team to consult and aid you in creating your custom garment.

Our design studio is cross-browser compatible. However, it does require an up-to-date flash player that can be installed in just under a minute.

If you continue to have problems accessing the Design Studio, you may contact us via the Help Desk at the bottom right-hand side of the website for further troubleshooting.

2. How do I know if the image I’ve uploaded is copyrighted?

If you are uncertain if the image that you’ve uploaded is copyrighted, the best practice is to err on the side of caution and avoid uploading it. There are many beautiful images across the internet and it can be challenging to determine if you’re breaking the law by using them. If you would like further information on how to investigate the ownership of an image, visit this handy recourse 4 Easiest Ways to Tell if an Image is Copyrighted.

3. Are Rush deliveries free as well?

Only Standard deliveries are free. Rush Shipping on an order would incur a flat rate fee to offset the cost of having the items at your door by the day on the delivery date forecast on the homepage. If you have any further questions about shipping times or request specific shipping methods, we advise that you contact us via the help desk at the bottom right-hand side of our website.

4. How do I contact your company?

We promise that customer service should NEVER be out of reach. For that very reason, you can contact us at any time and at any location on this website via the Customer Service Help Desk on the bottom right-hand side of the browser window. The Help Desk is formatted to work on all browsers and is mobile-friendly on all devices. It is within the Help Desk that you can either contact us via email or send us a chat message.

If you prefer to contact us via your favorite social networking site, you can find the links at the top of the page to the left of the search bar.

You may also call us toll-free. Under the circumstances that we are unable to reach the phone, we ask that you leave a detailed message, and we will return your call as soon as possible.

Scrap Quilting Tips

If you have ever wanted to try scrap quilting, but was concerned about the finished product, this is the place for you. Here are some tips to get you through your first a hundredth scrap quilt.

1. Mindset – It’s an Experiment. This is not a gift for your mother-in-law or the first grandchild in the family. Decide from the start that whatever the outcome, this quilt will hold a place of honor in your linen closet for cold winter nights.

Just knowing that this quilt is for you, will take the pressure off. You can experiment and play with fabric. There is no deadline. No pressure. No worrying about what people will think or if they will be sufficiently appreciative of your work of art.

Nope. This baby is all yours.

2. Choose your color palette – rustic or bright or pastel

Chances are that you gravitate towards the same types of fabric. There are people who love bright colors. Then there are folks who have more of a country palette. When you start looking at your fabric stash for your project, you are going to find out something about your tendencies.

Stick to one overall color palette. As a quilter, you know that there are a million and one colors that can be green. A hunter green is different from a true green and that’s different from an apple green. If you’re going country, then make sure all the colors are all of that dark hue. Brights go all together.

If something doesn’t quite fit in your scrap quilt, you will know it, too.

3. Use the camera’s black and white feature for values.

If you can’t tell if the fabric value is dark or a medium or a light, Set your camera on black and white and snap a picture. You will be able to tell the different values better when you look at them compared to each other.

4. Wait Overnight

Sometimes we look at our creations and just shake our heads. Most of the time when that happens it is because we are too close to it. Let it sit overnight. Better yet, take a picture of it. Sometimes we can see something different in the picture than what we see on our design wall.singer sewing machines for quilting

5. The Goal is to Learn something

Nothing is ever wasted as long as you can learn something from the experience. Take what you have learn about color and fabric selection for your next quilt. Stretch yourself.

See. There is nothing to be afraid of scrap quilting.

One of my favorite sayings is that when life gives you scraps, make a quilt. So, get going and try going scrappy! More on this website

Cowboy Boot Quilts

Memories from a cowboy boot quilt

Sometimes a good idea can be overdone till it’s boring. I made 6 or 7 cowboy quilts in various sizes over the past 8 or 9 years. I only kept one. The pattern was from the Fons & Porter magazine Sept/Oct 2000 issue. They’ve since published it again with extra patterns, as I recall — I think a cactus and a cowboy hat.quilting

Each boot quilt was made with a specific recipient in mind — someone’s relative who owns a horse farm, a daughter’s former boyfriend, a lady who was a barrel racer, a sister who collects cowboy boots, a coworker’s daughter who was getting her Ph.D. at the U. of Texas — you get the idea.

This one is mine. I never plan to give it away or auction it for a worthy cause. It reminds me of the others I made, which were never actually boring. Fabric selection for the boots was the fun part, the part that kept it interesting. Most of the boots were made from horse or barbed wire or rodeo themed fabrics. But some were created to fit the recipient, little personal touches hidden among the typical cowboy fabrics. In a couple I used the school colors of a college attended, in another I made boots from flowers for a lady who has a green thumb, and one boot was made from fireworks fabric for someone whose favorite holiday is Independence Day.

The options are endless.

I caught an old episode of “Simply Quilts” with Alex Anderson years ago where a lady made a 12-boot quilt, each one representing a month. First boot was made with snowflakes, second was made with hearts, the third with shamrocks, etc.
The backing on this quilt is a feedsack that my mother gave me when I started quilting. It’s thin in places and maybe a bit faded, but it brings back memories of growing up on a NE Iowa cattle farm. My mother taught me to sew. My earliest sewing memory is hand stitching with a needle and thread, around the curve of the top of a sleeve. She had me stitch the gathering or easing thread to help set a sleeve into a dress for me. I don’t remember the first time I used a sewing machine, but I certainly remember sewing those stitches along a sleeve cap.
I had to piece the feedsack to fit the quilt. A feedsack isn’t sized to be the perfect back on a 41 x 62″ quilt. This old fabric is now part of a quilt that’s important to me, not sitting on a shelf or in a box somewhere.. If you look closely, you can see one boot on the quilt made with a fussy cut from this feedsack.quilts

I’m trying to figure out how to jam 10 years of quilting and +50 years of sewing into a blog that I started in February 2009. I want to share my thoughts and memories with my children and my granddaughter and any future grandchildren. I guess whatever I put in is OK. Just bits and pieces as I go. After all, I got into quilting somewhat late in my life, so starting a blog even later is better than nothing.